Every couple of months, Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington invites a new artist to create a chalk mural for their entrance lobby. I have had the honor of being an invited artist twice.
Research has shown that having a wish granted is highly beneficial to children with life-threatening medical conditions. It gives them a much-needed break from the usual routine of hospitals and medical appointments, allowing children and their families to enjoy each other's company. Having a wish granted is like being whisked away on a hot air balloon: the world below (reality) is still in sight, but far off in the distance. For the duration of the ride, wish kids are care-free.    

Quick, rough sketch shared with the Make-A-Wish team for concept approval.

A couple of years later, I created my second mural. My concept was once again inspired by the magical, weight-lifting experience of a wish, but this time I wanted to play with the look and feel of a stained glass window. 

Concept sketch shared for approval.

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