Description: “You Don’t Know Squatch About Shoreline” was a marketing campaign aimed at potential homebuyers or businesses who were seeking more affordable options in the general Seattle area. As part of the campaign, the “Surprised by Shoreline” microsite informed potential residents of the many benefits of living in Shoreline, while also debunking any negative perceptions of the City.
To avoid sounding too much like a dry sales pitch, we used fun and playful elements throughout the website. We created friendly characters and included several subtle, yet delightful, interactions throughout the site.
Role: Graphic Designer and Illustrator.
Working closely with Creative Director, Debby H. Sung, I assisted in the design and production of on-brand assets including home page tiles, interactive hover states, and infographics and maps for the subpages. I also illustrated and designed a downloadable coloring book.
Surprised by Shoreline homepage
Infographics and maps for sub-pages