Description: In recent years the number of teens and pre-teens using E-cigarettes has been increasing dramatically. As a result, Public Health Services of King County (PHSKC) hired PRR to design and implement a Teen Vaping Prevention Campaign. The challenge was in implementing a campaign that was informative, engaging, approachable, and non-judgmental. 
We created a little family of personified chemicals to help bring the campaign to life. These characters, dubbed the Chemical Crew, each have a “real” job they are very proud of. Upon finding out they are being inhaled by humans through vape liquids, they are shocked and appalled.
We designed a fun and simple webpage to inform our audience of the dangers of vaping. The home page features animated gifs reflecting each character’s personality, adding an element of light-heartedness that resonated well with our audience. Our goal was to keep the site very simple, offering all critical educational information right on the homepage. Each character also had a devoted subpage with additional information.
In collaboration with Debby Sung, I developed all character and animation assets for the website.
Role: Visual Designer
Homepage desktop and mobile wireframes

Homepage wireframes showing expanded tile with additional information about the selected chemical

Chemical detail page wireframe

Each chemical has an informational subpage, so users could dive deeper and learn more about what is found in vape liquids

Homepage desktop and mobile mockups

Homepage mockups with an expanded tile, revealing additional information about the selected chemical

Chemical detail page mockup

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